Energize employees with coffee options that rival The Bay Area coffee shops

Optimize your OCS

Your workplace coffee solution.

Exceptional office coffee services delivered throughout The Bay Area.


Ideal for the businesses with a high number of coffee drinkers at once, our brewers are anything but old fashioned.

Single Cup

An increased number of coffee and specialty beverages using one, mess-free machine that brews by the serving.


Find the brand name coffee products you’re looking to brew at your Bay Area location as well as quality value options.

Water Filtration

Go green while still providing employees and guests fresh tasting water with our state-of-the-art water filtering solutions.

Water filtration machine

Encourage hydration

Less hassle than 5 gallon water programs

Plumbed In Units

Our water filtration systems utilize your company’s water line and specific filters, which eliminate impurities that affect taste. It’s easy to implement, yet delivers water that tastes spring fresh.

Coutnertops & Floor Models

While there is no 5 gallon bottle to lift and store, water can be dispensed using a floor standing water cooler, or save space with a countertop unit. Both provide hot and cold water.

Create a buzz with The Bay Area's premier office coffee service provider -- Automatic Vending Service at 510.475.5319 or sales@firstchoicevendingandamusements.com.

Break room experts Automatic Vending Services bring Fremont’s best vending and office coffee solutions directly to you.

Contact Us

30970 Huntwood Street
Hayward, CA 94544
Phone: 510.475.5319
Email: sales@firstchoicevendingandamusements.com